Aki Tennen


Aki was born and raised in Kugane.Her parents are merchants and gave her a secure and happy childhood.After the Doman Revolution and the reopening she was sent as a student to the Flynt Trading Co., to study under Amy Flynts care.Aki not only learned the tools of the trade, but also how to survive on her own adventures, gather and craft goods and last but not least to enjoy the party live in Eorzea.When Amy started her punk rock band Major Arcana Aki almost immediately started to follow the band around. When some members dropped out she offered to help out as a stand in for band practice and later also for gigs. By and by she developed from a stand in to the constant vocalist, enjoying every moment on stage.


Aki's signature look is comprised by her glasses and her pink hair with violet highlights.Sometimes she grows her hair out, while at other times she likes it short. Usually curly and a bit messy she sometimes goes through the trouble to straighten it, if she want's to create a certain look.Aki is most likely than not adventuring in pants and comfy clothes in general. For parties and gigs it's a bit more polished.


Aki is a friendly person, always a smile on her face for everyone. This doesn't mean she hasn't claws if someone gets on her nerves though.
Disrespectful people can get a snarky comment from her pretty easily and she won't forgive fast if one has fallen from her grace.
Usually she is pretty quiet with new people and in new surroundings. It takes a bit of time (or a glass or two of red wine) for her to open up. After the warm up period she can get quiet funny and a bit sassy (in her own mind at least). She tries to embrace her inner punk a bit more now, as she should if she wants to be the rock star she dreams of becoming!

The Short Stuff


If you see her standing around somewhere just go and give her a hello. She usually will tell you if it is a good time to talk or not.You also can always get a hold of her via the band channel. Just ping her a message there.